I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)

I'm a postdoc at the department of Mathematics at the University of Toronto (St. Georges Campus). My mentors are Catherine Sulem and Fabio Pusateri,  

Between August 2022 and July 2023, I was AIMS-FIELDS postdoctoral  fellow at the Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences.

I obtained my PhD from University of Bonn under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch. My thesis has to do with the analysis of nonlinear PDEs based on  Carleson measures.

My research interests include: Partial Differential Equations, Fluid Dynamics, Harmonic Analysis. I study the well-posedness, regularity and long time dynamics/stability questions for nonlinear equations with a particular affinity for problems posed in low regularity regimes.

I can be reached via gaely "dot" diebou "at" utoronto "dot" ca. My office is located at Huron street 215, 10 th floor, number 1016.


                                                                                              Publications and prepints

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